building a go-to-market activity checklist for saas products


I love having checklist’s to ensure that I am not forgetting important repetitive steps of a feature development. Let us discuss the benefit’s a little later but first let us discuss why do we even need to worry about building a Go-To-Market activity checklist?

Most product managers believe that the most important KPI for them is to “ship the feature. You can ship 100 features but they are of no use if the customers are unable to discover them or find value in them. There are a few basic steps that should be added to your go-to-market activity checklist.

Website Product pages Update the feature on existing page/ create a new page
Hello Bar / PopupAdding a nudge on the website to inform the users about the new feature
Blog PostA blog post explaining the new feature
Inapp WalkthroughFeature walkthrough using a tool like Appcues , Whatfix etc
Chat drip Creating a drip campaign using inapp chat tools like intercom , drift etc to drive adoption
Feedback SurveyPreparing surveys to collect feedback
Upgrade NudgesIn-app nudges to upgrade (For example if the feature is available for higher-tier plans then you can create nudges to push people from lower plans to upgrade)
EmailFeature launch email A launch email sent to customers or to subscribers of newsletters
Nurturing emailsDrip email campaigns to ensure adoption of the feature
Education/Use-case emailsEducating the users about the important use cases that can be solved with the feature
SocialContent distributionBlogs , use cases , ebooks etc distributed across various social channels
Paid Ads Running paid ads to promote the feature
Internal EnablementSales training Educating the team about use cases , pricing, selling strategy etc
Customer success trainingEducating the team about use cases , pricing, selling strategy etc
Support team training Educating the team about use cases , technical case handling etc.
Collaterals Building collaterals (battle cards , use case document etc)
PricingPlan details Plan feature matrix updation
Pricing pageUpdating the pricing page
Go-To-Market activity checklist

The activities mentioned in the above checklist may or may not be applicable to every feature that you build but it definitely won’t let you miss out on important steps required to ensure that the product/feature is properly shipped.

It is time that we change our definition of done from ‘shipping’ the features to ensuring that the features are being well adopted.

If you maintain your PRDs in confluence then you can create a template of the above checklist and ensure that it is being used for every feature launch.

I would love to know more about the activities that you feel are important to add in this Go-To-Market activity checklist.

P.S. In this entire process it is important that you capture product usage data to measure and learn more about the usage patterns. Read this article to learn more about it.

About me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Rahul Jain, I am a product management evangelist with 10+ years of experience working in B2C and B2B domain. I want to express all my learnings through this website and I will try to uncover all the product management jargon in the easiest and realistic manner.