Tagproduct analytics

what to do with all the product usage data


In the previous post, we discussed product instrumentation i.e mapping your product to effectively measure product adoption. When you are collecting a lot of data about the usage of your application, it becomes really tricky to represent all that data in a readable format. I will try to explain how we (VWO) approached this problem. I have taken one of our products called VWO Testing – An...

Uncovering the meaning of product instrumentation


In this post, I aim to give you all a complete understanding of product instrumentation but before we discuss it let us talk about one of the most common questions that every product manager has to answer about his/her product. “Okay so you have built some great features but how do you know that are helping the customers?” The answer to this question is simple for most product...

About me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Rahul Jain, I am a product management evangelist with 10+ years of experience working in B2C and B2B domain. I want to express all my learnings through this website and I will try to uncover all the product management jargon in the easiest and realistic manner.