how to handle objections from stakeholders [PODCAST episode #1]


Stakeholder management is a very under-rated skill for a product manager but it probably is one of the most important skills that is required by every product manager.

As a product manager we sit right at the center of the business and if you ask any product manager about their ‘typical day’ then you’ll hear a lot of them talk about how they interact with various stakeholder’s across the business.

In this Podcast , Clement Kao and I discuss this topic at length and understand it with real life examples.

Hope you like it. Do let me know if you have any questions!

About me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Rahul Jain, I am a product management evangelist with 10+ years of experience working in B2C and B2B domain. I want to express all my learnings through this website and I will try to uncover all the product management jargon in the easiest and realistic manner.